MOGADORCRAFTS is an all-in-one rugs platform for heirloom business. We empower thousands of customers around the world to furnish and decorate their houses with one of the finest collections of authentic vintage and contemporary Moroccan rugs.

We are specialized in one of a kind heirloom Berber rugs from rural Morocco. From the highest quality vintage collection pieces, to contemporary creations, and custom designs. All our rugs are woven by hand using ancestral techniques of carding, spinning and dyeing. Equitably sourced directly from weavers and women's cooperatives.

Women from Moroccan rural communities barely participated in public life; they lived in a space of their own. Despite such social restrictions, they manifested themselves, in their own special textile art, as independent and daring artists. They have developed an art which radiates vigor and sensitivity, and which reveals a great imagination and creativity..

The weavers improvise structures, patterns and motifs drawn from a vast and varied repertoire. The result is astonishingly beautiful. It is pure poetry, pure abstract at - abstract, but loaded with a deeper meaning.

Vintage · Handmade · Unique · Authentic

A woman sitting next to a loom and weaving a moroccan berber carpet

 Our mission begins with the artisans who create the beautiful & useful products you see here. Every purchase at Mogador Crafts is just one more step to their financial security. For these craftspeople, our store serves as a secure marketplace to nurture and preserve artistic heritage while mentoring its progress.

For all of our artisans, women and men, we pledge to provide a fair market for their goods and the support they need to continue making their fantastic products and sharing their stories.

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